Fort Provintia's Well
The well located at the intersection of Min-Chuan and Yung-Fu Rd. in Tainan, is said to have been an important factor in the surrendering of Fort Provintia to Koxinga. At that time, the well was inside the walls of the fort. Due to Koxinga's surprise attack, Provintia had been isolated from the main fort Zeelandia. Not only was the fort running out of ammunition (allegedly illegally sold before to the local Chinese, for hunting deer), but there was only water left in the well for another 8 days. Coyett writes in 't Verwaerloosde Formosa about the envoys visiting Provintia: "Alwaer dan binnen komende, vonden de Gecommitteerden gemelde Fortje in een seer soberen stant, water om te drincken wasser voor geen acht dagen ghenoegh [...]." Provintia was lost. The envoys allowed the commander to make his own bargain with the enemy, to save himself.